MAAVi Innovation Center

15 years obsessed
with the power of nature


We leverage on the knowledge accumulated by nature over millions of years of evolution, boosting it with our technology and with Artificial Intelligence.

We understand nature, decode it, and maximize its potential. We call it Natural Intelligence (NI)

MAAVi Innovation Center, Europe’s largest hub of biotechnological innovation applied to the study of natural molecules obtained from botany, microbiology, microalgae and bioinformatics. We have 15 years of expertise researching natural compounds in agriculture, aquaculture, animal production, the food industry, cosmetics, and other sectors interested in transitioning to a natural model.

What was our motivation?

We saw the need for better, more sustainable food production long before most. As a consequence, we research to get natural solutions tailored to specific needs, assuring efficacy equivalent to akin chemicals in a wide range of sectors.
Given the regulatory changes in Europe and the growing demands of distributors and consumers worldwide, we strive to keep the industries in which we operate profitable and productive.

Our objective is to accelerate the transition from synthetic to natural chemistry.
We believe in a new way of engaging with the environment that is based on real sustainability on all levels, including economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

Because nature has all of the solutions; all we have to do is find and use them.



square meters dedicated to R+D+i

We are


associated agronomists worldwide



top-level scientists from numerous specialized fields

Who we aren’t

  • We are not a conventional research center
  • We are not an agrochemical multinational
  • We are not your typical natural company

We are neither conformists, conservatives, or a grey company.

We are unique; we break established rules and change the way that things are done.

We are nonconformists by nature, obsessed with the pursuit of excellence.

Still in doubt? keep reading!

We are not a conventional research center.

We will not be happy until we have found your solution on an industrial scale.

We are PASSIONATE about applied science, particularly when it results in a product or natural solution that ADDS VALUE and addresses a problem.

From pest control to the development of a new molecule that improves the functionality of a product

Basic Science

We are not your typical natural company.

We base our work on a pharmacological, effective, and accurate model .

Unlike other natural companies, we do not speak in terms of extracts, but rather about natural compounds. Natural compounds that we identify and analyze in all of their complexities in order to understand patterns, as well as the synergies and interactions between them, in order to maximize their potential.

  • Our working methodology (LRP) makes us unique because it comprises a natural matrix-based selection and amplification mechanism.
  • Because we guarantee the efficacy of natural compounds with activity through research.
  • Because we understand and harness the potential of synergistic interactions between molecules in complex matrices.

As in pharma, efficacy and homogeneity are required to provide consistent outcomes.

MAAVi Innovation Center is a high-performance biotechnology innovation research center.

Here is how we do it



We attend to and understand a specific market challenge.



We are aware of its global influence thanks to our Business Intelligence team.



We analyze the problem and rely on hundreds of professionals to comprehend it from the market’s perspective.



After understanding the problem’s dimensions and using a 360º approach, we proceed in the laboratory



We perform hundreds of in silico, in vitro, in vivo, and on site tests and trials. We validate Hits, Leads, synergies and prototypes. We then proceed to scaling and registration.



We manufacture and distribute the finished product.

We are not your typical natural company.

We never utilize anything that isn’t found in nature.

All of the compounds we use come from nature, which has evolved over millions of years to have the mechanisms necessary to properly break them down. As a result, they do not qualify as POPs or PBTs since they are not bioaccumulative, persistent, or toxic, and because they are natural compounds, they are biodegradable. They are extracted directly from nature through biological processes. We guarantee homogeneous results, the same efficiency as synthetic chemicals, and a reduction in the appearance of resistance.

We speak your language

BACK TO END Or in other words, from the need to the final solution. Agriculture, the food industry, and other sectors are currently undergoing significant changes that need thorough, swift, and efficient frameworks. MAAVi Innovation Center is your industrial and R+D partner. You are unique, but so are we.


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Our solutions guarantee efficacy equal to or greater than that of the market’s reference synthetic chemistry products.


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Going natural should not imply paying more. We work to improve the competitiveness of our products. We cannot be an alternative if we are not competitive.


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We guarantee the scalability of our processes, ensuring homogeneity and efficacy.


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Natural does not mean harmless. We analyze natural compounds and take steps to ensure food safety.


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We have a manufacturing line with a capacity of 120 million liters per year in a facility equipped with 4.0 technology.

Europe’s largest biotechnology innovation hub at your service


Are your crops being attacked by pests for which there is no available treatment? Are you worried about the impact of climate change on your crops? Are you aware that multinational companies overlook minor pests?

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  • We implement a strategic plan designed to answer all your needs.
  • We assist you in achieving zero residue in crops by effectively combating pests and diseases.
  • We maintain your profitability and productivity.
  • We help you in tackling the challenge of climate change adaptation.
  • We help you respond to the demands of both consumers and distribution chains, as well as regulatory changes.

Through strategic alliances, we put the research potential of our High-Performance Center at your service in order to provide you with tailored solutions to your challenges in the form of a product. We are your current and future R&D&I partner, committed to guarantee your economic sustainability.

Food industry

he agroindustry has three primary challenges: limiting chemical transmission to raw materials, replacing chemical additives for natural substances (substituting E numbers), and achieving sustainability through reduced environmental impact.

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The time for highly effective natural compounds has come. Our 15 years of experience make us the perfect strategic partner for agrochemical companies willing to accelerate their transformation without jeopardizing their profitability.

We can provide them with the answers they need in the form of a highly effective, alternative product that can substitute specific molecules, ensuring the profitability of their portfolio.

Competitive solutions suitable for registration and fully scalable, to make the transition from synthetic chemicals to natural inputs REAL and FAST.

Agrochemical industry

Welcome to the natural
revolution in food production.

The world is changing and, although agrochemical companies and their tools based on synthetic chemistry have been key to increase productivity in food production, people are now demanding a change towards alternative technologies, such as biostimulants and biopesticides, which are equally effective and homogeneous, but more respectful to the environment and human health. It is now the time to go natural instead of eco-friendly!

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The industry is facing major changes at breakneck speed. Given the necessity to transform the model, our Open Innovation 360 offers optimal solution for the entire supply chain.

We propose circular economy-based approaches for revaluing byproducts.

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  • We implement a strategic plan designed to answer all your needs.
  • We assist you in achieving zero residue in crops by effectively combating pests and diseases.
  • We maintain your profitability and productivity.
  • We help you in tackling the challenge of climate change adaptation.
  • We help you respond to the demands of both consumers and distribution chains, as well as regulatory changes.

Through strategic alliances, we put the research potential of our High-Performance Center at your service in order to provide you with tailored solutions to your challenges in the form of a product. We are your current and future R&D&I partner, committed to guarantee your economic sustainability.

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The time for highly effective natural compounds has come. Our 15 years of experience make us the perfect strategic partner for agrochemical companies willing to accelerate their transformation without jeopardizing their profitability.

We can provide them with the answers they need in the form of a highly effective, alternative product that can substitute specific molecules, ensuring the profitability of their portfolio.

Competitive solutions suitable for registration and fully scalable, to make the transition from synthetic chemicals to natural inputs REAL and FAST.

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The industry is facing major changes at breakneck speed. Given the necessity to transform the model, our Open Innovation 360 offers optimal solution for the entire supply chain.

We propose circular economy-based approaches for revaluing byproducts.

She is wise. She is complex. She is our ally.

The chemical spectrum of natural products is enormous (billions of compounds) and contains unlimited combinations of molecular structures found in nature.

Only around 1% of that chemical variety is known, with plants, terrestrial microbes, and marine creatures accounting for more than 80%. Current databases contain between 300,000 and 500,000 compounds, with an average of 3000 molecules reported every year, the vast majority of which have no known biological function.

Nature is our most valuable source of information, but most of it is hidden. Molecules and their interactions include biological characteristics. Specific functions are encoded inside the molecular structure. Decoding nature, revealing its secrets and applying its wisdom are our biggest challenges.

Can you imagine the possibilities?
Nature is our most valuable source of information. Our task is to decode and illuminate its hidden aspect.

We rely on human and technology resources, and artificial intelligence serves as an amplifier and booster of our natural intelligence expertise.

Sources of natural compounds

We capitalize the knowledge accumulated over millions of years of natural evolution, studying nature’s ways, shedding some light on its hidden compounds and gaining access to its riches through biotechnological processes.





Learn about our research areas

Formulation and systemicity




Molecular Biology


Plant Physiology








Analytical Chemistry










By-Product Revaluation




Trial area






Microbial fermentations


Microalgal biotechnology








Artificial Intelligence


Massive sequencing



We are the only biotech company with 5 projects of the European Union R&D framework program

We are leaders in the field of scientific research and innovation in Europe. We are the only biotech company with 5 Horizon projects, the first funding program of the European Union for research and innovation purposes. A recognition of scientific excellence.

First and only horizon 2020 project in biopesticides

Until 2015, the EU showed no interest in biopesticides. That year, Europe launches a financed research line in this field, and called it Horizon 2020. Among hundreds of participants, Europe determined that Kimitec, the MAAVI Innovation Center’s founding company, was the best choice to lead the industry. They chose us, and it was the right choice. That year, we were granted the first and only Horizon 2020 project on biopesticides, which eventually became the basis of our current biopesticide line.

The project was named BLOSTER, and it was the first time that Europe endorsed our vision on the importance of researching and bringing to market actual alternatives to synthetic chemicals, replacing harmful molecules to human health and the environment with those obtained from natural sources. That is how we obtain completely natural biopesticides that are just as effective as synthetic chemicals and offer the highest level of phytosanitary safety.

Economic impact, high quality and real sustainability, in contrast with conventional pesticides.


Learn about all our European projects

We have participated in more than 25 European funded projects aimed at transforming the food production system by eliminating synthetic chemicals and favoring fully natural products.

Further information on our projects


Did you know that the EU showed no interest in biopesticides until 2015? That year, the EU trusted us with the first and only Horizon 2020 project on biopesticides: BLOSTER. A project that proves our commitment to real sustainability. We replace synthetic molecules that are harmful to human health and the environment to obtain our fully natural biopesticides that are just as effective as synthetic chemicals and offer the maximum phytosanitary security. Economic impact, high quality and real sustainability, in contrast with conventional pesticides.


We develop soil probiotics capable of promoting plant development and production in row crops, reducing the use of fertilizers and increasing yield quality naturally. A profitable, safe and natural strategy.


We are looking for olive trees that meet all our demands, zero residues, sustainability and healthiness, applying different project lines that cover the overcoming of stress periods, as well as pest and disease control. And for that, we use Artificial Intelligence through our LINNA® platform. This project includes Next Generation funding. Sustainable olive oils, which are healthier in the agroindustry of the future.


The EU hast recently granted us our first Horizon Europe project for the development of a bioherbicide based on the oil of two different seeds (carinata and camelina). It is another step forward in our search for a natural product with the same efficacy and cost as glyphosate. We can also revaluate the proteins of these seeds for animal nutrition and bioplastic production.


The main objective of the SEANDER project is to identify and value new sources of raw materials of marine origin that are sustainable and not currently used, with application in the agri-food industry, as well as in the area of biopesticides.

More information


Pesticide misuse has eliminated the life in our soils. An increasing loss of biodiversity, desertification and the severe modification or perturbation of microorganisms are some of the effects caused by those pesticides. Our CONDEMOOR project studies soil microorganisms, in an attempt to restore the soils’ natural balance. CONDEMOOR is our signature project in the probiotics line, which aims to increase crop yield and improve the fruits’ organoleptic properties. An alternative solution to the use of agrochemical inputs that are harmful to the environment, which also incorporates a biostimulant and biopesticidal effect. It is a win-win strategy: Higher competitiveness for the producer and a positive effect on the environment by reducing the incidence of phytopathogens and the use of chemical fertilizers.


Phosphorus is one of the most important macronutrients in agricultural production, but did you know that it is likely to disappear? And there is no other nutrient to replace it. With WATER 2 RETURN, we aim to revaluate phosphorus, promoting its recovery and recirculation.


The European Union is now entrusting us with a bigger challenge: Find a solution to a problem that not even synthetic chemistry has been able to answer yet. PHAGEFIRE is our very own quest to find a fully natural biopesticidal solution for fire blight, a devastating disease affecting mainly pome fruit trees, which causes significant production and economic losses.


Did you realize that tomatoes, bananas and avocados ripen too fast? They are called climacteric fruits that continue their ripening process by releasing ethylene after harvest. When they are packaged, this gas accelerates fruit ripening and reduces its post-harvest life. The project aimed to find a way to degrade that ethylene, so that the products last longer.


Ozone goes often unnoticed, but it is one of the biggest problems in open-field agriculture and causes significant losses in terms of productivity. Our KA-OX project resulted in different antioxidant solutions that eliminated this invisible enemy in fruit trees, open-field vegetable crops, and row crops, preventing the loss of productivity caused by ozone due to climate change.


We love mycorrizhae. For us, these fungi are at the very basis of agriculture. We have a deep understanding of how they work, and we have become the largest producer of mycorrhizae in the world. But we still have a lot to learn if we want to match the ideal fungal strains to specific crop types, with the aim to increase water and nutrient uptake, enhance the natural defenses of crops against nematodes and pests, obtain more vigorous and productive plants, etc. MYCOCAP allowed us to expand our strain collection and increase our knowledge in the field.


We strongly believe that we can reduce our impact on the environment by developing our own bioplastics. We have managed to producer monomers through fermentation. These can be used to create biopolymers, wich in turn can be used to produce biodegradable packagings. We are now one step closer to reducing the use of conventional plastics in favor of bioplastics.


This project aims to prolong the shelf life of fruits in the supermarket and the consumer’s fridge, especially of those ripening faster. We want to develop a unique packaging system for fruits capable of increasing their post-harvest life compared to other traditional packaging systems, through a novel system for capturing ethylene. Less waste and a higher economic impact guaranteed.


Can you imagine a healthier marmalade capable of offering an antioxidant activity? That is now possible thanks to our INGENIA project, in which we managed to find new uses for fruit waste, such as the pulp and the bones. Our research strategy consisted in extracting functional ingredients and antioxidants from those residues, which companies such as Helios later incorporate into their marmalades. The result: A healthier, mores sustainable product with antioxidant properties.


The Spanish Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) invited us to participate in this European project due to ouf expertise in the use of essential oils for the development of biopesticides. By participating, we showed our support for this kind of entrepreneurial initiatives in the field of biotechnology with this type of oils, through a technical training and support program for young scientists, while promoting innovation and conservation in this field.


Did you know that soil microorganisms in the areas where fruits and vegetables are cultivated can determine the chemopreventive action of our food? We wanted to prove that, by applying specific microorganisms to the soil, we could increase the concentration of natural active ingredients for that specific purpose in selected fruits and vegetables. We are leading the way back to the good old Mediterranean diet. The use of disinfectants and insecticides had eliminated many of the microorganisms associated with that “healing” effect of our fruits and vegetables. AGROHEALTH develops biostimulants and probiotics for tomato crops, grapevines and avocado trees, increasing the concentration of chemopreventive compounds against different lines of tumor cells.


We are looking for the tastiest, healthiest, and most sustainable tomato ever, but keeping it free of residues and guaranteeing its productivity and organoleptic properties. We worked hand in hand with global leaders like CASI, the largest tomato producer in Europe, in the identification of different tomato varieties that could meet those demands. But they were not as productive as other classic varieties. By using specific microorganisms adapted to tomato crops and bioinsecticides developed by Kimitec, we managed to increase their productivity in CASI farms. We also applied Kimitec’s biopesticide to all greenhouse walls to increase crop protection.


Can we go beyond the limits of agriculture and contribute to other sectors? Challenge accepted! In line with our original goal of “changing the way food is produced”, this project aims to demonstrate that some secondary crops offer a high concentration of natural proteins. Could we make a veggie burger with the same level of tastiness? We believe we can.


China chose us to lead their transition from synthetic chemicals to a greener system to protect the environment and their consumers’ health. BIOCHAIN develops natural biostimulants, pest-specific biopesticides and prebiotics capable of protecting and feeding major crops in China. Starting by the characterization of chinese soils to determine the microorganisms they contain, we can look for the most appropriate probiotics. Natural solutions travel far and fast.


Artificial Intelligence applied to the value chain of agricultural production 2050. AGRARIA is the only project for Spanish agriculture supported by Next Generations funds, and based on the application of our Artificial Intelligence platform LINNA® for the development of biopesticides, together with Sylentis. We will also design a highly technological pest detection system with drones. Soon after the pest appears, we will apply our biopesticides, to limit their use. The future starts today.


¿Te imaginas poder reutilizar el bulbo de dónde sale la flor del azafrán? Lo hicimos e incorporamos como materia prima un residuo de una industria agroalimentaria. Este bulbo tiene high concentration con activity biopesticide. Es el primer proyecto de biopesticidas que nos concedieron y que nos enseñó el camino para la investigación del área de biopesticidas.


Un proyecto de economía circular aplicado a la agricultura: una solución integrada para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de matadero, ricas en nitratos, para su recuperación y reciclarlos de manera segura para su aplicación como biofertilizantes de alto valor. Nuestra Inteligencia Natural nos permite ofrecerte soluciones que aportan valor y rentabilidad a tu negocio, ¿hablamos?


Glyphosate, a massively used chemical product, must be replaced. The European Union gave the green light to our ATILA project, which aims to design and develop a next-generation bioherbicide based on by-products of orange juice production. To meet the challenge, we will be supported by our Artificial Intelligence platform LINNA®. We protect human health and the environment.


Together with the industry leader Grupo Consentino, Kimitec is trying to find a monomer that may act as a precursor of the resin used to produce Silestone®. The project EOCENE is based on a circular economy approach, aiming to obtain monomers for the production of that final resin through a polymerization process. All components of this composite meterial will be based on renewable and sustainable sources, through the development of sustainable technologies applied to the recycling and revaluation process of the waste produced.


This project aims to research and develop new food ingredients based on agrifood by-products from different collaborators (Argal, Mahou, Matarromera, Pet Food Group, etc.), through bioconversion and biorefinery processes. We inoculate fungi into those residues, and through their activity they produce ingredients that are functional for the organism. Circular economy, sustainability and health applied to products for human and animal nutrition.


Again, we are using by-products from the agrifood industry for the sake of people nutrition. Could we identify a healthy pattern in gut microbiota, so that we can adapt our eating habits and improve our health? Yes we could! Through our BIOTAGUT project, we work on the smart design of ingredients and products with a positive impact on metabolic health, such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Because health starts with nutrition.


The perfect definition of a win-win strategy: Enjoy a good beer and use the excess liquid and yeast left after its production process. The PLANT FERT project aims to add new value to that waste, tranforming it into sustainable, agricultural biofertilizers for organic agriculture. We are experts in revaluation projects based on a win-win approach. The agroindustry saves money in waste management by selling its by-products… And we reduce our impact on the environment.


This project aims to minimize the residues produced by the agrifood industry, increasing sustainability by incorporating processes and technologies capable of increasing its competitiveness. The purpose of that waste (mushrooms, in this case) is to obtain biostimulants, leveraging on the by-products to achieve a positive economic and environmental impact.


Fue el primer proyecto Interconecta en el que participamos. Puso las bases para nuestra experiencia en la obtención de monómeros, a partir del suero de leche. Con el objetivo de hacer biofilm.


¿De la cáscara y pulpa se puede obtener un bioplástico? Sure they can! Es un proyecto de revalorización total que lidera García Carrión. Partimos del residuo de la producción del zumo de naranja. Este, se usa como medio de cultivo gracias a unas bacterias programadas para obtener monómeros. Una vez que lo hemos purificado, la empresa que fabrica los envases crea el polímero usado en la producción de estos envases para zumos.